SEO Services for Whipped

Order Cakes, Cheesecakes, and Cupcakes Online in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, and Faridabad from Whipped online store. Whipped offers online cake delivery in Delhi for all occasion. Send Cakes to Delhi, Dwarka, Noida, and Gurgaon.

SEO Results:

Established Online Presence

Improved Search Visibility

 Top 10 Ranking on Google

Improve DA by 15 Points

Improve PA by 20 Points

Improved Alexa Ranking

 Average 1000+ Monthly Traffic in a Month

Huge Amount of Traffic

Local Presence

Activities performed :

Website Analysis, Keyword Research, Topic Research, Trend Research, Competitor Analysis, Bug Fix, On-Page SEO, Off-Page Activities, PPT Creation, Video Creation , guest posting.

Tool used :

Google Analytics, SEO screaming frog, Webmaster, Keyword Planner, Alexa,Ahref,Pixteller etc.